Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sandblasted in Kuwait

I know that it has been a terribly long time since I have written, but internet access has been extremely limited until now. I am going to try to do better at it though. I am currently in Kuwait waiting to move north into Iraq. It is extremely hot here and the living conditions aren't the greatest. We are living in 70 man tents on cots and I had to spend an exhorbitant amount of money to use the internet. It is all good though. I am slowly getting more acclimated to the 130 degree average temperature.

The one thing that I totally can't get used to is the sand storms. The wind blows the sand into every available area of you body and it is extremely uncomfortable. I have sand in my eyes, my ears, my mouth and it even makes its way through the uniforms and gets other places! We haven't been doing a ton. We have had some training events here and there but nothing too crazy. I had to get certified to drive the MRAP which is the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle family. I wish I could tell you a whole lot about the vehicle but operational security prohibts me from doing so. Maybe once I get up north I can post some pictures. I just know that they are a hell of a lot safer than a damn humvee.
I am surprisingly calm about this deployment. I am actually less stressed being here. In a wierd way it kinda feels like a missing piece of me is filled again being here. It is hard to explain. I will do my best to keep this updated. We have a firing range that we have to get up for at 2:15 in the morning so I am going to just sit back and relax. Maybe watch a movie or something. I miss you all and hope to hear from you soon.


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